Well, here it is the best DLC out of all 4.
I'm honestly not surprised given the fact that all I've heard from people is that this is the best and must be played last, and after playing it yeah it's definitely the best out of the 4. It's also the hardest.

Ok first off this DLC is the DLC version of a CHAD, when Deathclaws are a by the number enemy type you know the game isn't fucking around; this DLC will make you its bitch and won't call you back. I mean yeah it's way more liner than any of the other DLCs. But it's held up with great passing, great encounters, and without a doubt the best Fallout Villain since...well Fallout 1. I mean it Ulysses is such a great villain in almost every way imaginable. You have not lived until you've encountered Ulysses in that missile silo, that shit slaps so fucking hard it's not even funny.
I honestly don't have any real problems with this other than the occasional Fallout NV glitch every here and there. So yeah, that's it... What are you waiting for go home I don't have anything else to say? Oh, I bet you also want me to rank them to uhhhmmmm here they are, now leave me alone.
1# Lonesome Road
2# Old World Blues
3# Dead Money
4# Honest Heart

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2020
