(I guess this is my Christmas review........kinda weird but eh.)
literally every problem or nitpick I had with GOW1 has been addressed and rectified; this is hands down the best GOW game and one of the most fluid and well-made spectacle fighters I've ever played. It's the special kind of game where the game's core combat is either shallow as fuck or surprisingly deep depending on how you wanna play it, it's the best kind of game I can think of.

Along with its great core gameplay the visuals look outstanding (for PS2), and the music is just HHHHHMMMMMHHHHHHHHH IT'S GOOD.
The story is still very "video gamey" where it's not amazing but it serves its purpose as a narrative to push the player forward; but does a good job of roping in a pretty accurate Greek story (for this series anyways), and uses it as a way to show Kratos's true fall into Garth Ennis's Punisher levels of needless killing for very questionable reasons.
they even used a bunch of well know Greek figures in a well-done way, they have characters now that either bounce off of Krato's character and his arc, or are mirrors of Krato's ineffable end.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2022
