I remember playing this back when it first released and I bought it from a Redbox back when they still had games for rental. I remember having a beyond frustrating experience with the game’s difficulty and the story feeling like a downgrade. On a replay I actually enjoyed the gameplay much more, I played it on the hardest difficulty possible and by doing so I think I kinda forced myself to have a more fun time. By having the game throw everything at me all at once I was forced to use the new mechanics that New Colossus added, and within about 2 hours of gameplay something clicked in my head and I just started having the most fun I’ve had with an FPS in a while. I also really liked how the story matched up with the gameplay with BJs health matching what he’s doing in the story at that point.

The story was a little better for me this time around but I still have some grievances. Mostly with how sometimes they’ll interrupt a lot of serious moments with an MCU style quirky joke that ruins the moment and probably could’ve been saved for an in-game joke, and I feel like the game kinda goes a bit too on the noise for its own good, it’s still better than most AAA games coming now nowadays but at times it felt like I was watching a Quentin Tarantino movie but with less class and even less restraints.

As a whole I like it more as a game compared to New Order but story and character wise it’s a little downgrade. NOW THAT OST HHHHMMMGMGMG THAT’S SOME GOOD SHIT. I personally think this is Mick Gordon’s best ost and yes that does include Doom 2016, fight me.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023
