This game quite honestly has no reason to be as good as it is. The chel shading art style is on point, everything about its combat is super solid. Really the only thing I can criticize is mostly just getting a bit to repetitive after awhile since unlike other Platinum Games combat loop it's not as deep with very little enemie variety, but it’s not like it really matters since the game is like 3 hours long with really little reason to replay the game as well other than to get a better score on the levels. I guess if you’re a dieheart Gen 1 Transformers fan you’d get a kick out of it but good luck trying to find it, it’s been delisted for all online storefront and finding a cheap steam key is even harder. Honestly I don’t even know why I own this game since I’m not even that big of a Transformers fan (I’m more of a Ninja Turtles kind of person) I just sorta had this in a PS4 library as if it magically apprised there out of thin air.

Oh well I’m not gonna complain, I may not have PT but at least I have this.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2023
