Blasphemous is a fairly good metroidvania that has some beautiful artwork.
The core gameplay is pretty solid with the limited kit that is given to the player throughout the game. The areas and enemies are distinct and varied though the level design occasionally feels like it's intentionally trying to have a laugh at you (while you aren't in on the joke).

The game is abstract in it's narrative and while I felt the theming and for a lack of a better word, vibe, was really great, the writing did veer into feeling a little up itself. This is only ecentuated by the fact that the game contains more Latin words than a masters degree in classical studies.

Blasphemous is just pretty good. I don't know if I'd go out and recommend it to just about everyone but if you like metroidvanias, the souls series, or you owned a hot topic rewards card back in the day then it's likely to be up your alley.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2021
