BLACK SOULS markets itself as an utterly miserable experience. Through the visuals, music, and storytelling, it presents itself as the edgiest video game ever made, and that's, on its own, not a bad thing at all. It's fun to see a story be so brave and open about what it truly is. Not just fun, it could be something truly great.
However, when you actually play the game, this dark, gritty, and supposedly unforgiving world constantly spoonfeeds you with items to raise some meaningless number in your stats, a level-up system that's a huge downgrade from the original Dark Souls - after all, there is absolutely no trade-off to leveling your stats, as all of them get equally raised with every level-up - and, I cannot state enough how baffling this is, it REWARDS you for dying by giving you another item that raises your stats.
The worst part, however, is that there's an actual difficulty slider. A game called "BLACK SOULS," which signals from the very start that it's a game that shows you how kind Dark Souls actually was, is too cowardly to give you a set difficulty, so you can make the experience easier, you can get spoon-fed once more, whenever you want to.
It is complete ludonarrative dissonance. Nothing in the gameplay feels BLACK, it all just feels like an ignorant attempt at making the player crawl through the mud, to replicate Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, without actually knowing how to do it. I cannot feel the story's misery when I'm too concerned with managing all the stat bonuses I keep getting.
Playing this game on the initially set difficulty is a walk in the park. In the second half of the game, you can beat some of the most powerful beings on the planet by spamming a single move three times.
For most games, this would be inexcsuable. It would be such bad game design that nobody should ever play it, a completely worthless experience. However, what makes BLACK SOULS nevertheless recommendable is the incredible storyline. The story is so good, so well-written, that it alone makes the game worth it.
Therefore, despite the mediocre game-design, I can't wait to play BLACK SOULS II and see how the story unravels.

Side-note: After finishing the series, I will go back and play through these games on the highest possible difficulty. In the hope that the higher difficulty will finally give the game the atmosphere it deserves.
If this higher difficulty actually turns out to be amazing gameplay-wise, I will recommend everyone, even if it's their first playthrough, to use the highest possible difficulty setting. This doesn't excuse the horrendous idea of having difficulty settings in the first place, but at least it gives me some sort of peace of mind.
Because, really, this series looks like it could be one of the greatest stories ever told. If I can get rid of the complete mismatch in tone between gameplay and story, I will give this game the title of masterpiece it ought to deserve.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023


6 months ago

Instead of playing on the highest difficulty, go for a SL1 run, no colored souls and no companions (or at least don't level them). Figuring out how to beat the bosses, wtiht the right strategy, weapons, rings and items is much more fun than bloated stats.

6 months ago

Same with BS II, try going as far as you can without leveling up.

6 months ago

So you mean normal difficulty but no leveling?

6 months ago

Yes. Although, it's technically possible to do the same on difficulty 9, there's no point in doing that, really. The patterns don't change, all it does is it gives enemies more hp and attack and they drop more souls. The default difficulty is the best.

6 months ago

skissues on display

6 months ago

I first-tried almost everything. I don't understand what you mean. If by "skill-issue" you mean recognizing the inexcusably bad game-design of putting difficulties into this game, then idk what to tell you.

5 months ago

@smhomg skill issue is disabling profile comments

5 months ago

Im sry snegu you are not worth reading

5 months ago

I read this again btw op just doesnt realize the souls inspiration is a deception to make the souls fan comfortable until some puzzle combat owns him. The combat is closer to puzzle combat stuff against bosses of old RPG/final fantasy inspiration you can beat at any level if you really dig into the combat, but not everyone can so grinding those stats Is the other boring option. Not everyone Is and Epic gamer desu

5 months ago

still the dark souls of cum

hell if we want to get anal about the story it has moments but its the prologue to the real game really

5 months ago

> Some puzzle combat owns me.
Nope. I would have adored the puzzle combat if it actually had a purpose. Instead, every fight is so mindlessly easy that there's no reason whatsoever for puzzle-solving. I can just spam a random magic attack three times and the final boss dies instantly

5 months ago

@smhomg it's ok