i have a lot to say about dis game and it's weird agshjdbweufhrjeklf, i remember i played da demo of dis game and i confused where they were until i found out they were in da shareware levels section oop
ok so dis game is obviously inspired from sonic, from the gameplay to the music and it's kinda cool, but there are SO many downfalls to it agh like ok i love da creativity and i think they were going somewhere with dis but wow da controls feels so weird and some movement feels stiff and there isn't any momentum and eeeeuuughhhhh it doesn't feel good to control
also da level design.......... you have a run button in dis game but you're gonna be running headfirst into enemies if you use it, like i like how fast it is but da levels are not design with dat in mind i don't think, also wat is it with old pc platformers and having really BIG levels where everything is so spaced out, and why does da art feel inconsistent sometimes blargh idk, and da levels make no sense like in a level themed around going to da past why was there an alice in wonderland theme?????? idk like it was cool but da themes don't match i thought it was kinda funny tho agsdhjwebvfiu
also da story kinda is non-existent like ok i read da evil turtle stole jazz's wedding ring i think????? but you go through so many places and i'm wondering like wat's going on and next thing i know i'm in hell HUASGTFDKJWEHFBWJ
da music is bangin tho except for the part when an intro of a track had an Islamic athan for some reason???????
cg animations are cute but i wanna know did da animator(s) for these cutscenes also work on dust an elysian tail cause da art style looks REALLY similar
also epic games made dis but it's not there and instead on gog???????????? also i got dis free on gog and i was so excited agshdjmnwefijwe
also also spaz is so weird they are def a skrunkly <3

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

googoo gaga