I always seemed to get lost in the sandbox aspect of the game and never got around to finishing the story, but today I finally finished the game in its entirety. This game is and always will be one of my favorites due to nostalgia but also for it being a product of its time. The physics and AI still rival and even outperform most games being released today. Now onto another GTA 5 playthrough :)

A great return to the classic era of Assassin's Creed games. I enjoyed both the story and gameplay, especially the focus on stealth mechanics. While the game may be shorter than newer entries, I believe the smaller scale of the game allowed the developers to focus on the more important details, rather than filling it with the normal fetch quests and RPG bloat you would expect from modern-day Ubisoft.

This was my first time playing any Kingdom Hearts game and it was definitely a great experience. The age of the game really shows at certain points but in other ways it enhances the gameplay with its charm. I found the boss fights to be surprisingly challenging at some moments, but it made defeating them much more rewarding.