This is quite possibly the worst BanBan game, and only serves to further my personal belief that these games are being designed to just be long enough to avoid Steam's 2 hour auto-refund policy.

There are several points in this game that feel poorly explained, unnecessarily tedious and overall frustrating. I was going to write a longer review where I went into examples, but most of the game is so boring that I could only really think of 2 parts of the game that I recall specifically frustrating me.

BanBan was a funny joke the first few times, but at this point, the punchline is getting old. What the EuphoricBrothers really need to do is take what profits they HAVE made from their previous works, and invest it into a longer project with more time for fleshing out the concepts, instead of releasing a terrible game every few months. I do not think that they understand how fortunate they are to be in their position, and to see them waste that potential is extremally sad, considering how many developers would kill to have the attention that they have.

Please just spend your 10 dollars on something better.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
