This game is baffling to me. The story is nonsensical at points, being the most confusing to this point in the series. Certain characters do not play as well as others. Kamurocho is the only map in this game, and the final boss is ATROCIOUS.

However, I just do not care. The emotional core of this game is so phenomenal that all of the faults this game has just do not matter to me. There are so many great emotional moments from each playable character in this game. While the overall story is not very strong, I believe every character, except for Kiryu, has a very strong individual story to tell.

I have so many feelings about this game. Parts of it are incredible and parts of it are terrible. If you play this game you'll have to ask yourself whether or not these negatives matter to you and do these negatives outweigh the positives in this game. For me, that answer is yes.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
