This story is so good. A plot that spends time building characters up leading to fantastic payoffs. Things are less predictable than previously and performances across the board are fantastic. Only thing I have to say is that the focus of the story is not balanced between the 2 Spider-Men at all, however without both the best moments couldn’t happen so…

The game is the best of the 3, just to say that outright. Combat is at its best when it comes down to grunts and especially bosses, and traversal has been significantly improved by adding one thing - webwings.

These are so much fun and make travelling even better than before. They alone make this the better time. Side content has also been made a lot more varied… at times, but overall this has been improved from before.

There’s also a better flow as there’s no mandatory pace breaking puzzle sections. However, this game does strip back a lot of options in its combat. Gone are the gadget wheels and we now have 4 okay gadgets which work, but lack the experimental factor of before. Because of this stealth is barebones, and combat can get pretty samey.

Your also not really challenged much, it’s a comfy ride, but I wish the side challenges asked a little more.

The game looks incredible, and the ost aint bad, Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic time, and not one to be missed - 8.5/10

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
