Cut characters and cloned movesets suck, and while the story starts off promising, once the timeskip happens it goes to shit with some characters doing a 180 with their personalities. Gameplay is definitely an improvement over 4, with less focus on hyper attacks and more diversity between the rather low variety of weapons.

As for new characters, Yasuke, Sandayu and Kazuuji all kinda suck and are mostly forgettable. Mitsuki was alright, but I don't like OCs in historical games. Shikanosuke's a good addition, and I'd like to see more exploration of 'western' Japan in future titles. Lastly is Sena, who was by far the best new addition to the cast. A great design, a rare Imagawa character, and a well told, if underused, story.

Lots of problems, but a decent groundwork to build upon for future SW games.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2023
