Mortal Shell has immense potential, it just isn't fully realized here. Its ideas in world design, build diversity and combat are fascinating - sadly they suffer in many small ways, often through their unpolished state: this game feels very clunky. I do quite like the weapons, how using special abilities and parrying works though; at its best it can be really fun!

Level design and bosses are...not very good. There is a boss that stands out, visually it's all great and the optional metal soundtrack for bosses elevates the fights, overall however it's just lacking. The lore and story try to be like Dark Souls, to be very vague yet very deep - ultimately it just comes off as if everyone is just mumbling gibberish.

It all comes down to this: amazing ideas, middling execution! I hope it gets a sequel that irons these issues out; it could become a fantastic game.

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2023
