Interesting premise, but painfully underdeveloped.

The whole schtick of deducing the mystery through audio alone has promise, but the game really doesn't live up to this for a few reasons.

1) There is no deduction. Everything about each mystery is just told to you by listening to the characters.

2) The audio could have been replaced by text without any problem. There is never a moment where hearing something gave any more information than just seeing it in text would. You never have to identify who an unknown voice belongs to and the direction that the audio comes from is never necessary to figuring things out.

3) Its incredibly tedious. Just listening to a bunch of audio with no feasible way to speed things up, often repeating the process multiple times since you need to listen to multiple conversations that are occurring at the same time, makes solving the mystery more a matter of how much time you're willing to spend than how quickly you're able to figure it out.

It might make for a neat tech demo and template for a future game, but its not worth playing as is.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2021
