Not a fan overall. For the 50 hours I spent reading this, the ideas and concepts it used never seemed interesting enough to justify its length.

There are two major issues at play here. The story's dual-protagonist structure left it with some terrible pacing that repeated scenes and information, set up questions and mysteries that were just blatantly spelled out from the other perspective, and just generally left the first half of the story feeling incohesive.

Meanwhile the core of the story itself just isn't enough to justify what its actually trying to communicate. The answers to the bigger mysteries that the game sets down are just too simplistic compared to all the time and detail spent setting them up. Where the game does go for more complex answers, its usually in the form of technobabble rather than a particularly interesting connection between its concepts or a new perspective of the phenomena that you hadn't though of before.

There are some good points here. The main cast is pretty well developed and I liked most of the characters on display here. And the story did introduce some ideas that, while never fully capitalized on, are still of some interest. But I don't think that these aspects were enough to compensate for the much larger issues with the length, pacing, and unsatisfying mystery.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2022
