There are some interesting aspect to the main story, but it rarely goes into enough depth or complexity to make it worth trudging through the rest of the game.

Fallout 1 has aged terribly in almost every respect. The combat is awkward and unwieldy, the graphics and UI are hideous, and bugs and errors (oftentimes game-breaking) are incredibly common (I even got softlocked along the main quest, only escaping thanks to reliance on glitches).

The story may have been good by 90s standards, but playing it for the first time 25 years later, it leaves a lot to be desired. My expectations may have been set too high by the comparisons to New Vegas, but I don't think my disappointment can be explained through overinflated expectations alone.

Ultimately, I wouldn't recommend Fallout 1. It has some redeeming aspects, but the flaws run deep and the strengths aren't enough to compensate. If you do play, please be sure to consult a guide (especially for character building), crank the difficulty to easy, and turn your expectations down a few notches. With the right mindset, you may be able to enjoy it more than I did, but even that isn't a guarantee.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
