i've never played another game published by Private Division - but my wife LOVED Kerbal Space Program, so i was a little afraid when i saw their name on this after KSP 2's botched early-access release. and i should have been! this game is really neat, but it just wasn't ready. going fast while platforming in Penny's Big Breakaway (atm) is to get stuck on a slope, or get stuck in a platform, or just completely overshoot it and fall into the abyss. it's frustrating!!!!!! even without its bugs, i think its control system will filter out a lot of players. it's not that immediately satisfying, it requires a certain level of understanding to be rewarding and i love games like that! i love when they make me learn things! i just don't always know if performing well in-game is even that rewarding. maybe i just have bad depth-perception? regardless, i hope Evening Star make more 3D platformers cuz this is a really cool one. insanely gorgeous to the eyes and ears, but not as fulfilling to my soul. fully willing to accept that as a skill-issue tho.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2024
