Basically Super Mario Sunshine if it had just a tad more time in the oven, and it's glorious. This fixes my main issue with the original game, being the fact that Shines no longer had equal value like in SM64, all that matters is beating Episode 7 of each world, so every other thing in the game is basically worthless. Here, while you can still play that way, there's an option to go back to the 70-star (or 70-shine in this case) structure of 64, and that alone makes this infinitely more fun to me. Couple that with everything else this adds (the open world being my favorite addition) and this is no doubt the best way to play Super Mario Sunshine. Of course, it doesn't change much about the actual core of the game, if you didn't care for the gameplay with FLUDD this isn't gonna fix it, but as someone who already loved the original, this was a major treat.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
