At first, Infinite Wealth feels like it's trying to take on way too much, ambitiously trying to tell both an Ichiban and Kiryu story at once. As such, around the mid-game there are a lot of substories that are precariously juggled and feel very fragile; however, once everything meets its eventual climax, I think this might be my genuine favourite in the series to date.

I love everything about this game deep to my core. I love how the battle system is better fleshed out and requires more strategy in the endgame. I love how dungeons only take you so far in grinding and that there isn't a save-all like Robo-Michio in Yakuza 7. I love how lovingly Ichiban's resurgence is written. I love how Kiryu feels like a human being and not just some old invincible legend.

Most importantly I love Like a Dragon and its surrounding series. Boy is it a good time to be a Yakuza fan. And goddamn OG Kiryu fans have been eating well the last 6 months.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
