This is a surprising amount of fun and has had me hooked for a good five days now; there's genuinely a lot to do on the daily checklist and, even without money, you can genuinely feel your character gets stronger in real time.

Then today's event came out and, attached to it, is an active incentive to spend money that isn't just consumbales that level up specific areas of a character for min-maxing. This is, for the next 48 hours, a wheel that gives you an entirely RNG multiplier on real money you invest in it as cashback in virtual currency.

I just watched a guy spend 50 euros on this wheel in real time, get 3 times his money back as payout, spend 90% of it on hammers to raise his power level by 2-3 MILLION, brag about it in the world chat, spend 5 minutes in chat with the number 1 in server (a terminally online user who he's still 1 million away - each stat level up costs exponentially more than the previous one - from despite just spending the equivalent of 150 EUROS, imagine how much money this guy spends for the ego boost to stay number 1) fellating each other, then spending the remaining money on a limited event mount (that is usually a 0.15% pull on an another RNG wheel) so he can then post the stats of it in the same chat for ass pats for a secondary fellating endorphin session.

Good game if you're able to switch off from any competitive play and admit you're never getting in the top 50 if you don't have 50-150 euros lying around every single season. I've been dropping 99 cents here and there just for the spirit of the whole thing (3 times, mostly on little frivolous packs that give an extra dungeon key for example) but I think this puts me off even doing that now unfortunately.

Oh, also conversion isn't calculated based on currency either, so expect to spend more if your currency is stronger and less if it's weaker than the dollar. It's frustrating because some of these gacha games are genuinely fun to the point where they do get pretty addictive, but they really only serve to stimulate the primitive conditioning to be the best at something and that's where they achieve their predatory success - from people like the little 50 euro hero of my story.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2024
