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The game is good. It has a lot of issues, though.

Starting with the good. The new music is really great, actually. I was happy I didn't hear a lot of the old P5 music, and heard a lot of new tracks that fit this game's style well yet emulated what P5 felt like. The main boss themes are great. Additionally, while I kinda disliked the art style at first, it grew on me. I still didn't feel totally comfortable with it during serious cutscenes and whatnot, but I get why it's this way.

The gameplay as a whole is good. I didn't find it to be super special - it was kind of a dumbed down version of Mario-Rabbids. A lot of the time it felt like a puzzle game and not a tactics game. Not a complaint, just an observation. Triple Strike was super broken and can win maps really easy. I played on hard and only had trouble with the awards in the last 10 or so missions.

To speak on what's not as great with this game. The story in the game is a net good. However, I find a lot of issues with its first half, namely just the fact that it's super boring. It relies on your attachment to Toshiro, who has a very lame design. He doesn't even get a Thief outfit when he unlocks his persona, which really sucks. The main boss is par for the course of persona, and the third kingdom boss is by far the best (secret persona 4 game???). But it was really hard to keep my attention during the first and second kingdoms, especially when I just didn't care about Toshiro and, to an extent Erina, although I liked her more.

Unlike Persona 5 Strikers, the dialogue in this game doesn't suck. It does try to fit every character in to the game in some cutscenes (which becomes cumbersome to follow), but it wasn't too bad. I think this game would have been better off by, when every one gets taken in the first part of the game, if you got them back slower than just the first kingdom. That way characters like Haru might have gotten more screen time and less for characters like Ryuji or Ann. Depends on what order you get them, etc. Just a nitpick.

Overall the game is decent. I think it could have been condensed down and sold for $40 or $50 dollars, although having it on gamepass was nice.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
