Gave up on this about an hour in. So many bad design choices at its core that I don't want to push myself through it, which is saying a lot because I played Assassin's Creed 3.

When the devs said they were inspired by Devil May Cry, it turns out they were pretty bang on the money. Too bad they didn't specify that it plays like Devil May Cry 2. Just press the fire button from a distance and win. Also I unlocked my first PSI ability and I picked the one that looked like a teleport. Turns out it barely moves you and it sucks your stamina dry, into the negatives even. And you have to wait for it to come out of the negatives because they didn't program it to stop at 0 like a normal video game. It's like how you can fall to your death in Doom 3 and your health is like -219

Also I heard a lot of complaints about the narrator, but holy shit it cannot be stressed enough how bad it is. I set the VO language to Japanese thinking that would pre-emptively solve some issues with it but no, it's just a terrible idea that's baked into the narrative design. You, the player, can't do jack to remedy it. It's so unbelievably stupid- you have to wait for a character to say their line (which is usually one sound file thats repeated ad nauseam because they somehow forgot to record more than one line of gibberish) before your narrator translates what they said in third person. Bare in mind your character was born and raised by creatures speaking this language but instead of just having their dialogue translated on the fly like any localized game released that's in Japanese or Chinese or Russian or whatever you have to wait until the narrator explains it to you like your reading skill is at "The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" levels. In a game rated T For Teen. For a story driven RPG to screw up how it tells its story this badly makes the game a complete nonstarter for me.

Further proof nobody whose worked at Avalanche knows how to make a good sandbox game.

It's Bad!

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
