Remember when everyone was trying to avoid calling this a cyberpunk game (emphasis on the punk) and someone did epic gritty communism and invented the term "neonliberal", which lasted for all of 3 days before they realized Blade Runner, the movie everyone pretends to love but not actually watch, has no punk elements whatsoever? I do because I have brain problems and its cool this site seems to have continued that legacy. Sally Jane Black brain never dies baby!!!! :-)

Currently shelving this until 2.0 comes out. For now, what I will say is that it's pretty damn fun.

Night City is one of all time greatest realized worlds in gaming, feeling city planned first and level designed second, and the commitment to placing you in that world through custom brands and radio stations exclusively comprised of songs made just for the game is really damn cool. Some of those songs are bangers too! Story is elevated by amazing voice acting and good word economy on the dialogue, though I feel its approach to sex is embarrassingly juvenile, even worse than GTA V's. I know Dunkey already highlighted this but it feels like a lot of interesting questions about the future have been replaced with going to Pussy Burger, located next to Tits and Ass Strip Club 3000, to get something to eat. The games rated M for Mature, but aside from the overarching plot essentially about terminal illness, it doesn't actually feel mature, if that makes any sense.

Not gonna bother talking about "missed potential" since most of that is the fault of gamers imagining the ultimate 'Last Game You Ever Need' that typically enters the mindspace every time an open world game by Bethesda or Rockstar gets announced, plus most of the ideas are just shit and we need to stop pretending they weren't. Yeah having like the basic first draft of a wanted system sucks but there's a reason nobody who installed that tram system mod used it more than once to appreciate the novelty of it, and that's because a cutscene of going to a place is infinitely less fun than getting there any other way. Did you even know you can take the iconic train from the opening of Heat in GTA V? No? Maybe that tells you how much you actually care about a tram system in games.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
