The narrative in this game was pretty hard to understand, especially for a 50 hour playthrough in the span of a month, but besides that, I genuinely believe this game might have the best character writing in the franchise.

Even now, two years after beating this, I still think about Kiryu's extremely unhealthy mental state in this game. I think RGG studios did a wonderful job building up Kiryu's character with each game, and making him crash and burn (emotionally) naturally in this. He just can't ever catch a break man... :(

I loved the minigames, I adored how there's mandatory rhythm game sections, how you can play Taiko, the 5 main characters, and the soundtrack.
Like I said earlier, I do have my issues with the narrative and well... lets just say a specific section with a bear... But honestly, I'm thankful for how everything turns out in the end, so I probably wouldn't change a thing.

Reviewed on May 19, 2022
