(Note: This is my second playthrough of the game, but I'm playing the Switch version for the first time)

An improvement over the first game in many regards, combat wise, it's more fluid and satisfying, and more forgiving on the Normal difficulty than the previous game, meaning you'll see the Game Over screen less often than before, though, some fans may agrue that the game is too easy compared to Bayo 1, especially with the addition of the Umbran Climax mechanic, which is kinda like the Devil Trigger from the Devil May Cry games, also, no "do or die" QTEs, thank God, oh, as for the newly introduced weapons, nothing tops the Rakshasa dual blades, that, and probably the Chain Chomp, lol.

Story wise, it can be hard to follow, just like the previous game, but at least you can catch the main gest of it, also, a lot of callbacks to the first game, so, unless you've played Bayo 1 beforehand, you're gonna be even more confused, then again, story was never Bayonetta's strongest attributes, it's all about the characters, the lore, and the ridiculous setpieces, though, I will say, Bayonetta's personality is slightly better here than in the previous game, she's mostly still cheeky, nonchalant, and laughs in the face of danger as before, but here, she has some serious moments when the situation demands it, which is an improvement I welcome.

Graphically, it's one of the best looking WiiU/Switch game out there, and has more colorful and vibrant setpieces than before, a complete contrast to Bayo1's depressing brown & grey locations, which was standard for a lot mid/late 2000s games, thank God the industry moved away from that mindset, lol, also, the game runs at a solid 60fps, and it never dips below that during gameplay.

Aesthetically, it's the same as the previous game, though, I will say, Bayonetta's default outfit with the pixie haircut is easily her best look, hell, I think it's even better than her look in 3, lol, and the demons, while kinda neat looking design wise, are nowhere near as creepy and freakish looking as the "Biblically accurate" angels from both games, you'd think with demons, the character designers would make them even more grotesque and off putting to look at than the angels, but nope, it's all sharp edges and cybernetic looking...meh.

The music is fine, I guess, aside from Tomorrow is Mine and Moon River, none of the music tracks in the games really stood out to me all that much, unfortunately.

Overall, this is still a damn good game, it was well received back when came out, and nearly 9 years later, it still hold up, a must have for WiiU/Switch owners, easily recommended. 👍

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
