It's the start of the 2020, there were still some memes of the song "Baka Mitai" and here I am, finally purchasing the game for PS4 during the sale because of these memes. Of course, I had some knowledge that this is a crime drama in terms of story and oh boy, these people weren't lying.

Story is the first and foremost for which this game gets praise, and I agree with them. I am not going to make a long explanation on the story but I'll say that this game has one of the best story-telling that I've ever experienced. From one side, you have funny moments during sidequests and on the other side, you're fully invested in this whole crime drama story. A perfect mix of both.
Almost every side character is lovable and the same love goes with their voice acting. You feel their emotions and during post-credits scene I cried like a girl.

There are also mini-games and side-stories. One of the best in the series also(close rivalry with Yakuza: Like a Dragon). Like, I spent in total around 120 hours and I experienced and 100%'ed the game at full capacity. I dare say, I actually LIKED mahjong and with each series my understanding of this mini-game becomes clearer and clearer. Screw shogi, though. Not my cup of tea.

Comparing the combat between Yakuza 5 and this game(after playing whole main series) I'd say that Yakuza 0 is the best beat-em-up combat that you can play(in prior, I haven't played Lost Judgment yet). Each style has a theme and in each one you're just jamming non-stop.

To summarize, one of the best parts in the whole series and a great introduction to the series. Though, for people who wants to start this franchise from 0 to (the upcoming) 8, I advice you to better take your time! It took me 3 years to play the main series, so careful with your time management!

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
