Well, Pokemon X sure was… a game. X was better than I remembered, because the Kalos games have always been kind of boring for me, but it really wasn’t anything special.

I respect X and Y for what they introduced to the games - 3D models, character customization, mega evolutions, the fairy type, and other details. But a lot of what I like about X and Y are more just the steps forward for the series that X and Y introduced. That said, XY’s soundtrack rocks, Kalos feels like it has its own culture and really touches on its French influences, and XY’s trainers are overall the most stylish with their clothing options imo, even though customization is more limited in these games.

However, details like the writing being poor (which I understand is an issue with Pokemon as a whole but still), the games being COMICALLY easy, the beginning of the problem of heavy pandering to gen 1,
hell even the roller skates and how awkward they felt to use especially in a game still practically functioning with a tile system make it hard for me to get INVESTED in most runs I start. This is the first time I’ve beaten XY in years because I’ve consistently had a hard time keeping with a playthrough. And I definitely could feel that drag in this run, where I just… wasn’t feeling the game at all at certain points, less in a burnout way and more in a “this game just doesn’t work for me” way. Hell, I dropped this run for a few months because of how XY can struggle to hook me.

Overall, not bad but not spectacular either. X and Y were important for Pokemon as a whole and I respect the games for the steps forward it took, but the game itself feels weak for me personally.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024
