(Shelved mostly because I have one more thing to do that I'm putting on the back-burner for now)

Remember how insane Octo Expansion was for how it changed the formula of singleplayer in a refreshing, interesting, and fun way? Side Order gives me so many memories of what Octo Expansion felt like when I played it for the first time. It remixes the formula of Splatoon singleplayer in a really interesting and (relative to Splatoon’s IP) innovative way for the franchise.

I’m genuinely shocked how well Splatoon translates into a roguelite. Gameplay feels natural and snappy, and while of course there’s a big luck aspect to Side Order, the game rarely feels unfair. Honestly I can’t tell if it’s my skill or a flaw of the game, but Side Order could feel pretty easy at times with how much you’re given to work with. But even when the game would feel easy, it was so fun to PLAY. Side Order takes great advantage of the mechanics of Splatoon as well as remixing the gear building aspects of base game in an interesting way.

The story and characterization of Pearl, Marina, Acht and even Agent 8 is heartwarming and well-done. Octo Expansion and the story and worldbuilding from it are referenced a lot, which makes the absurd virtual world of Side Order feel surprisingly grounded. Side Order is also filled with the same charm that permeates all of Splatoon, taking itself seriously without being afraid to let characters (well, Pearl) be goofy.

Side Order hits, and it does what it aims to do very well. While certainly not my favorite roguelite, Side Order turns a game I love in Splatoon into something different and fresh, yet just as fun, if not more fun, than past singleplayer campaigns. Highly recommend if you enjoy base Splatoon to try out the DLC.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
