Not sure how to feel about this yet. Only played it for an hour, but I'm mildly frustrated with a couple of things that feel like bad design decisions.

1. The idea that you can build up combos by using melee and get free healing out of it is nice, but maybe don't make the command for healing the same as the interact command? The number of times I healed instead of interacting with something/someone or interacted with something instead of healing was significantly more than zero thus far.

2. There's a huge lack of consistency for when it's okay to drop off a ledge. Scripted falls that are long, I get it. But when you have a passage that ends with what looks like a chute and I can drop down it fine to continue my path, but also have another passage that has a drop at the end of the screen that counts as an instadeath, that's rather annoying -- especially when I carefully cleared my way through a boatload of enemies only to find myself killed because the rules for exploration aren't explicitly spelled out.

Seriously, how hard is it to give some kind of indication as to when it's either VERY SAFE or NOT SAFE to drop in an area? Doesn't even have to be both -- pick one and the other one is the natural opposite answer. Killing me because you let me drop down into several areas before but changed your mind this time doesn't fly with me.

I'll probably come back to this eventually, but I'm salty at the moment, so I'm in no rush to currently jump back into it. Also, the combat feels really dullsville, but that might just be the first hour speaking.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2022
