Never got to play Disaster Report 2 or 3. The first one was decent fun, especially with the ability to spray people with water and yell to them to get them to wave randomly. Mostly though, the threats felt a lot more interesting and legitimate in the first game.

This game feels like it's just walking you down various corridors with the option to make some random dialogue decisions that will do little-to-nothing to affect the game overall.

It's also riddled with so many bugs that it's uncanny how absurd they can be. At one point, I was walking in an area in the early game and the earthquake-rumbling happened, so I crouched to stabilize myself. The ceiling above me crashed onto me and my life dropped to zero...and nothing happened. I was just laying there, dead...and I'd occasionally hear someone calling out, "Dare ga?" I couldn't hit any menu buttons, take any actions, move the camera, or anything. I just had to sit there for a few minutes and then shut off the game. Thankfully, I saved about two minutes before that happened, so no real loss...but that's just one glitch of many.

Reviewed on May 28, 2020
