Overall, I have kinda mixed feelings about it. I've seen a lot of people say it's a general improvement on the original, but I feel like I enjoyed some parts better and some parts less. I liked the differences between the characters in this game compared to the original. Having them both feel slightly different and offer different mechanics was really interesting, and made certain levels more enjoyable to go through. I liked the aninal buddy levels, although I did not enjoy the green lava one at all. It just made you go super fast with characters you don't use too much, and I felt very quickly overwhelmed with the pacing. I also didn't really like the parrot all that much. Every time I used it I just felt like I got hit unfairly from above or below, and I died a lot due to that issue. I did enjoy the bosses a lot more than in DKC1. In 2 they're definitely not just single try bosses all the way through like in DKC1. I actually felt challenged by a few, especially K. Rool this time around. I will say I kinda miss the difficulty curve for the original. I felt like that later levels in DKC2 were all pretty hard, where in the original there were still some easy ones thrown in there. I definitely enjoyed that change of pace in the original, where in 2 I just kept getting more and more annoyed as I kept dying in all of the last couple stages. Overall I feel like I enjoyed the game about as much as DKC, maybe slightly more or slightly less.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
