Overall this is a really good SRPG. I have cleared the light path in L1 and Light/True Light/Empire/Independent paths in L2, and have clocked in over 100 hours.
Pros:Original art by Satoshi Uruhshrara is goddess-tier. Like there are some sexy waifus ;-) and ridiculous but awesome shoulder pads for either gender. Great color contrast and thick dark lines... but if you're a pleb who doesn't get art and the concept of color contrast, you can always use the new crappy designs if you want ;-p
Character personalities are mostly likable and believable. Many of the "bad guys" aren't that evil when you learn more about them. Select any music style from any release of Langrisser.
Deep strategic combat with huge armies to manage. Of note is the mercenary system. 1 battle save (I would have preferred 2 but 1 is way better than none.) Branching storyline with differing objectives in battle depending on which faction you side with. You can grind if you want...
Cons:...but there is WAY too much grinding to get the perfect epilogue for all characters. 100 kills is doable but hard, especially when some characters join late game.
Mercenary AI is bad. Troops move in order of commander, but this often leads to Commanders that join later getting their troops cut off due to crowding. Also they can't understand things like walls and other unpassable roadblocks. This can be solved by manually moving all mercs but that takes a lot of time. Minor Characters/generic troops don't have the option for Urushihara art.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
