Really wasn't gonna do reviews here but I figure some things deserve to be an exception. This game is simply outstanding, went in with high hopes given the psychological horror tag attributed to it and came out with my expectations exceeded. Omori deserves all the praise it gets and then some. There's a LOT I can gush about here but I'll keep it relatively brief and vague.

Omori tackles myriads of different and mostly heavy themes from suicide, guilt, escapism, redemption, acceptance, etc, all beautifully tied together through the event of Mari's passing and presented in such a creative manner. The way Omori balances and blends realism and absurdity through its structure is genius, giving one of the most unique experiences I've had with media. The bizarre and vibrant HEADSPACE contrasting the mundane and almost claustrophobic FARAWAY TOWN, complementing one another perfectly through the allegorical storytelling and thematic enhancement. Omori's story and presentation have perfect synergy, working in tandem to create some of my favorite visual storytelling in media. Don't really have any notable complaints on the story front.

Despite the medium of video games setting itself apart largely due to its interactivity, gameplay isn't the biggest deal for me so long as its playable (gradually shifting gears there). However, I'd say this game was actually very fun to play through, ignoring extraneous elements, which was a surprise. The gameplay mechanics are relatively simple but effective, the setting and vibes make what would normally be tedious... relatively enjoyable. Omori ties gameplay and story/character moments together in a very organic and engaging manner through the metaphorical backdropping of the battles and abilities you gain. Oh, and speaking of battles, contrary to my expectations they were quite good and I enjoyed employing different tactics throughout.

With the most prominent things covered, I'll end off the meat of this "review" by singing the praises of a few random aspects. Audio is perfect. Music does a wonderful job at selling the appropriate atmosphere, notably in HEADSPACE with the nostalgic vibe while sound design picks up for this during more quiet moments. Weird thing I went so long without the characters, huh? The main cast is all endearing in their own right and doubly so whilst interacting with one another, Sunny being the standout. My praise for the story and presentation are essentially one with Sunny as a character given how they're intrinsically linked together.

Omori's a wonderful piece of art that I'll definitely be thinking of a lot in the coming days, the blending and mastery of technical brilliance and personal appeal makes Omori a one of a kind story.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
