In terms of what it goes to accomplish: this game is flawless. The pace is consistent for a good 3 hours of platforming, exploring, puzzles, and minigames, all set in just the cutest world I've had the pleasure of adventuring through. Let me highlight a couple of things I loved:

- Throughout the game, you collect trophies either by finding them or by completing a sidequest. They're actually full 3D models ala Smash Bros, and you can go into the menu to get a full look at them! Really adorable
- All the minigames are perfect at breaking up the pace of the main adventure. They're creative little distractions that aren't just fun to play, but fun to stumble across
- Leg physics felt fun to use. Kicking, jumping, rolling, it has a certain rhythm to it that just feels good
- The style of humor in this game wasn't really for me, but it still made me smile at certain points. Everybody is just so relaxed and easygoing

It's a perfect casual experience that you can easily beat in one play session. If what I described sounds like fun, you won't be disappointed

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
