So I played Bandle Tale, the league of legends cozy game, you know as a long time league fan I really had high hopes for this game especially cause I'm a huge yordle fanatic, and that's why it really breaks my heart to say this game undelivers big time, it starts out well enough but by the mid to late game it gets really tedious, you're always short on resources, going back and fourth between places all the time, moving your workstations around and waiting for arbitrary timers to finish, all the while not having much fun at all, making progress was not relaxing, nor did it make me feel cool or accomplished, it just made me relieved I was one step closer to being done with it all, maybe someone out there can find the fun in Bandle Tale, for me it was too elusive.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

bit sad coz I thought this looked like probably the one league spinoff game I wouldn't mind checking out. great review though!