I very rarely drop games. Strider was one of them. I really wanted to like the reboot of such an iconic franchise, but it just doesn't click with me. This game is sorta like a Metroidvania, but it's level design is boring and rarely warrants exploring. As for the story, you're just dropped into the plot and told to go kill the villain. That's it. I understand that it's paying homage to the older games in the series, but it seriously needed an upgrade in the plot department. As for gameplay, it is fast-paced, but that's all I can say for it. At least until the point I dropped the game, your tool kit consisted only on spamming the attack button and using the odd charge attack to break through shields. Deflecting the enemy bullets with your attacks is fun, but considering Strider attacks so fast, you barely need any timing to deflect most of them. I was playing on Hard Mode, and the boss fights were piss easy, barely any challenge at all. They were fun and well designed though, just needed a wider moveset so the bosses aren't stuck repeating the same 4 attacks most of the time

Reviewed on May 13, 2021
