It's an asymmetrical horror game with a Killer and 4 Survivors put into a match. Killers try to hunt down Survivors while they repair generators to leave.

If you REALLY want to get into this game, then I'll tell you what you're getting into. DBD is a buggy mess, first and foremost. Every patch has some form of texture or mechanical bug somewhere. You're going to see glitches. You're also going to see balance all over the place. Some mechanics are way too powerful while others are just fairly weak, and many things in between. The game isn't free by a long shot. Many of the characters are locked behind a hefty grind for a currency or 5 USD per character, and many of them can have good perks so either get ready to grind or cough up money.

If you can look past those issues (and more I didn't include) this game can be fun. Killer can be a STRESSFUL time but when it works out, you can have a fun time regardless of results. It gets infinitely better with friends as you laugh about the BS the game throws at you and in the end, it's just a beautiful game where you can see Leon Kennedy throwdown with Freddy Kreuger while Laurie tries to repair a generator in Midwich Elementary School. What's not to love?

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2024
