I wouldn't say that I'm a "Dark Souls elitist." I don't care if a "soulslike" follows the formula or not, I just care if it's good. And Remnant is good!

All the guns feel nice and impactful and the shooting feels good. I like the trait system instead of a typical level up system, it's nice to go in depth about what particular thing you'd like to level up, instead of a broad stat. It's a nice, refreshing take.

Though the game has a host of problems.

Farming in this game is both good and horrible. The good thing is that you can reroll individual worlds without touching your campaign so if you need to grab something quick, or if you need to farm money or upgrade materials, it's quick and easy.

However, actually doing that is just awful. Which ring/amulet/armour you get is random, meaning you will have to reroll worlds many many times.
(Do you know how many times I rerolled Earth to get the Chicago Typewriter? Minimum 30 times lmao)
And you can get duplicates of the items you already get which is just a plain bad idea (You get an amount of scrap ranging from 100 - 500 which is pretty bad).

Having there be multiple different bosses that you fight makes each playthrough unique which is cool! But it also means if you don't play the game more than once, you miss out on half the bosses. Which is just a weird design.

I played through the game solo on hard. It starts off really rough as Earth has only one guaranteed weapon (for some reason???) and it's the sniper rifle which you get after beating the Root Mother.
I was midway through Rhom where the stage sections started becoming much more manageable. Though the bosses stayed consistently harder than the stages. A stage could be easy but it's entirely possible to get stuck on the boss.

The weapon variety is weird for lack of a better term.


Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023
