Still remains one of the best first person shooters of all time even after all these years. While it definitely has a couple rough spots like certain levels being a bit too long and repetitive, this game still does things I wish more action games would do. One of the things I especially appreciated was how enemies were handled in this game. Of course, things like their smart behavior that keeps you on your toes and their color coating allowing them to pop out of their environments are all great, but what I enjoy most is how each of them have their own weaknesses.

For example, infection flood are best dealt with using the assault rifle, while the much larger flood are much easier to deal with using the shotgun. This feature adds a level of strategy to dealing with enemies that makes combat a lot more fun and engaging and I wish a lot more people would touch on this feature as I believe this to be one of the best parts of the original Halo.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
