Where it Shines:
Anime Cute Characters - 9/10
Being in the World - 10/10
Music - 9/10

The Good:
Look, I know most people HATE Genshin. Most people HATE gacha games. I personally did not expect to like it as much as I did.
I found, for the most part, the gacha stuff to not be obnoxious. It's far from being a Mobile Legends type game where you play notification clicker clearer for ten minutes every time you log in with fifteen different types of currency and tickets and stardust or whatever else nonsense.
They also seem to take the money they make and honestly add quality content. There's always new characters, new worlds, new music, new voice lines, and they don't just copy paste stuff. They seem to really care about spending the money they earn well, and it shows for the most part.
I also really just enjoy spending time in the world. Every time you wander around or climb some hill or tower, you are rewarded with stunning views, awesome landmarks to enjoy, and just really some great vibes. It's a video game world I'd love to live in.

The Bad:
Obviously any F2P game is going to have a lot of bad stuff. I'm not going to rehash what others say about it, and I can easily see people hating the game for those reasons alone. But the things that are outside of F2P that could use some work are:
- stop with all the jargon. Jargon does not equal story. I don't need to know how Fatui of the Adepti went to Stormterror to gather the Prometheus Artifact from the General of blah blah blah. Like my eyes gloss over every line of dialogue at times, it's overwhelming
- Paimon 😫
- repetitive enemies in the world
- overwhelming amount of things for new players

If Genshin wasn't free to play, cost like 20-40 bucks, and had DLC for each expansion or something and got rid of the MTX gacha system, I think it would honestly be an AMAZING game. One so good that people would support it forever. But the F2P aspect does drag it down overall, although not nearly as much as I expected it too. It was a huge surprise to me that I loved playing this game, and I only bothered because a friend with good taste recommended it. I'm glad I played it, I will play it more for sure, but I can't say for how long.
If what I wrote sort of resonates with you, give it a try - it may surprise you. But if you avoid it simply for the F2P vibes, that's totally valid.

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
