It's a cozy game, there's many different puzzles with even more ways to solve them. This is the main reason to play Scribblenauts for me, the creativity in how you progress and solve puzzles.

Since a lot of the puzzles are designed for children they can be quite easy and with the somewhat repetitive gameplay (no changes to abilities or puzzles) it can get slightly boring after a couple hours. Due to this I did find myself sort of 'trudging' through the final few levels before I finished the main story.

If I were to play this game again, I would take it much much slower and potentially play it on the side to a more engaging game, and only play when in the mood. This style of game is not to be played continuously, or 'grinded out', which I feel led to me missing out on some enjoyment.

I do recommend this game, just try to avoid the same mistakes as me.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
