The amount of details and people in the City is insane. You pass a pillory which is empty and the second time you pass it, a person is standing there. The city is filled with life, everywhere are people doing different stuff like for example the marketplace, it just feels so alive. Everywhere people are selling/buying stuff, having conversations or just enjoying their day. It's those little details that separate a good game from a great game. It really feels like a real "Next Gen" Game. Technically it's a bit rough around the edges, I had a few framedrops here and there. Sometimes one of the NPCs got stuck or straight up disappeared so I was forced to reload. The narrative is a masterpiece, the story is so well written, the characters are amazing and the chemestry Hugo and Amicia is really something special and very rare. You don't see that very often in the video game industry. The only examples I can think of are Joel and Ellie from TLOU and the characters from Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy from last year. A Plague Tale Requiem is one of my favorite games of this year and cements Asobo Studio's position as one of the new leads in narrative game development. Halfway through the game I knew how it will probably end but I was denial and still hoped that it will end another way which perfectly mirrored Amicia arc in this game.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
