I finally got my Playdate! Woah! This device is super well made and cool. The screen is surprisingly quite high-resolution and the crank is a really cool addition for a gameboy. Only complaint is I wish it had a backlight, but playing near a lamp does give me nostalgia when I used to do the same on the old Gameboy.

Anyways, this is one of the first games unlocked on the Playdate, and it is a pretty good introduction to the system. It is a fairly standard top-down adventure (like say a 2D Zelda) where the main mechanic is taking photos (mostly of birds). When you take photos, you have to use the crank to focus the camera, which is a pretty cute use of the crank. Most of the game is exploring the somewhat small world, finding key items, and helping out townsfolk. There are moments where you have to take a photo of something specific and show it to one of the characters to progress, but it isn't as frequent as I would like. As a consequence, the photo-taking can feel somewhat unimportant to the game as a whole, which is a bazaar decision where that is the main mechanic.

I will say that I really like the animations and sprites in the game. They look very nice and really showcase the high-resolution screen of the Playdate. The writing is also fairly amusing and light-hearted, which I like.

Overall, it's a pretty good entry to the Playdate . It's not mind-blowing or anything, but it is a overall solid and fun game. Looking forward to next games I unlock on the Playdate!

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2022
