Red Dead Redemption 2 is an immensely action packed, immersive, heartachingly game set in 1899, just before the age of cowboys and outlaws is about to come to the end with the turn of the 20th century just around the corner.

The story follows a gang after a failed bank robbery on which they are currently on the run to survive being pursued by law enforcement due to their previously stated actions. As they struggle to survive in several changes of climate, settings, population and much more, they still have to keep going to get the money they need to live out the rest of their days peacefully and retire. I will avoid to say much else about the story, however it's definitely one that will nonetheless never be forgotten and is one for the ages.

Onto the gameplay; Rockstar Games takes the familiarity of the previous game and turns it up to the maximum. Travelling from one location to another via a horse allows you to explore the world to its full capability, and really take in this fictional version of 19th century America. The world itself is great, and feels so connected. I recall one time I acquired a bounty on which I was given the objective to hunt down a fugitive and bring him back dead or alive. I ended up killing the poor bastard, and then went on to see him being given a funeral not too long after. This is one of many examples of how Rockstar paid attention to detail in this game, and how you really do feel like you’re a part of the game’s world. The last thing I would like to mention is the gunplay. This might be a mixed bag for some people, as I know many who adore it and others who detest it. Personally, I felt like it was fairly good, however certain weapons like snipers and bows definitely feel a bit clunky and are a bit difficult to use (on a controller at least.) The game brings back the “deadeye” ability from the first game, which allows you to lock onto multiple targets and shoot them all at once, think McCree’s ultimate from Overwatch.

So for a quick tl;dr, this game has a strong story with an likeable cast of characters, with a very explorative and immersive open world, along with some fairly decent gameplay. Overall I would score it at a 4.5/5 star or a 9 out of 10. Solid game and I would recommend this as one of the best introductions into any single player open world game.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2021
