This game will forever be the one game that I both absolutely adore and utterly despise. There are so many ups and downs to it. I'm going to make a pros and cons list because I feel it is the simplest way to list things.

- Story and lore in this game are on a completely different level. So many things are interconnected and so many amazing stories to be told. Love a lot of the characters in this game as well.
- The gunplay and mechanics to this game feel buttery smooth, makes the game super addicting.
- Raids, Dungeons, and Endgame content are some of my favorite moments within this game. Making awesome friends and solving puzzles and fighting against bosses make up some of my favorite memories of this game.
- Progression, getting your favorite guns and armor, making your character look cool, it all feels awesome.
- Artwork, Scenery, and Graphics as this is one of the best looking games ever and still holds up even though it was made in 2016.

- Money. Oh boys is this game expensive as could be, you have to spend so much money to get all the content. Also they charge you for the coolest looking armor and to make your guns look cooler as well.
- PvP is an absolute mess rn. PvP rarely sees that many major updates, but they do have a dedicated community.
- Gambit... Need I say really anymore.
- Seasonal layout/ DLC lately as been similar every couple of months so seeing something new and fresh would be nice.

This game is a love/hate relationship and it always will be. The devs to this game keep saying that they love this game and they want to expand on it as much as they can, but lately that doesn't seem to be the case. So lets just hope for the best in the future.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
