Not usually a fan of the sort of things this game pulls off (one hit deaths in a spike riddled obstacle course full of enemies that you have to avoid because you're also defenseless, that sort of thing), but it makes such good use out of it's level gimmicks that I didn't mind so much. The way the latter levels play with momentum and timing in particular was really fun to figure out! I probably would've liked it to have gone a bit more complex with it's ideas, but as is, it's still relatively engaging without being too obnoxious.

The writing's a bit naff though, like in that Modern Paper Mario, self aware & ironic way. Makes the titular dad seem like more of an asshole than the developers intended? It'd be a pretty cute little family story if it had landed, but alas, I kinda get why his kids kinda ran away from him...

A fun way to kill 2 hours, in the end. I wonder how the sequel's turned out...?

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2021
