At the time of review I'm taking a break from the game in the final tier of postgame (groudon gauntlet can suck my dick). I think it's safe to say that this is my favorite pokemon fangame and maybe the best pokemon game. Everything in the game for the most part is lined out to teach you how to be a better pokemon player, to learn and grow. It's really cool to see a pokemon game that forces you to interface with every aspect of the combat system rather than just building a team of blorbos and rolling the entire game. It's an insanely compelling rpg and unfortunately it does kind of lose steam at the end. Tbh the entirety of Episode 19 up until the postgame feels like a dud and the postgame doesn't exactly salvage the story unless you really like Lin. I do not. I think Lin is really annoying in adult form and really really annoying in kid form and the entire last quarter of the game focusing on how cool she is really takes a lot of the wind out of the story's sails. Despite this gripe, it's still a fantastic game, it just doesn't really stick the landing. If you do plan to play it I can recommend a few passwords that'll give you the "legit" reborn experience without sacrificing your sanity.
First two are pretty self explanatory and should be uncontroversial. The third removes the hackmon stat buff given to certain fights later in the game (also mainly in e19) that imo is not very fun to deal with. Can't recommend enough for anyone who wants a pokemon game that will kill them.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
