I know people say the SNES version is better and it is, but as a Sega kid this is all I had and it isn't a terrible time with friends. It's not deep or anything super awesome but it was a turtles fighting game in the 90's. We ate that shit up. It's a very genesis style of fighter if that makes any sense. Especially with the sound. It was a good rental but I'm also didn't play it to get good at it either. Let's just end this with a distorted angry turtle taunt of "That's a laugh..."

Add notes: Playing it again so many years later on the TMNT cowabunga collection I still think this is my favorite version. It's definitly got some issues, especially the balancing. Casey is straight up broken. There's definitly jank as well. Especially weird how you can choose your power level and how it effects your speed. The Karai on hard litterally can kill in two hits. You gotta cheese to beat her true form. But it's okay it's easy to cheese the ai with certain moves. Playing it again there's lots I really like here. I like the roster. Would trade Ray or Sys for Shredder in sec though. The art design is kinda cool and I really dig how some of the attacks feel. Plus I still love the character voices and taunts. "That's a laugh" I even liked the out of character April redesign. "Cmon on baby!" It's a shame if this game went back in the oven and ironed out the broken kinks this could have been a real winner IMO.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2021
