Turtles in Time genesis version with slight alterations basically.

Add Note: After playing this again in extremely long time I have a better understanding and memory of this game. It really is a huge step down from Turtles in Time SNES. I think it's balance puts it over the arcade game though. It's only five stages and a lot of reused assests to make up for the fact they could not do the Turtles in Time game on the genesis casuse the genesis just could not handle some of the graphical effects. 5 stages and one of them is a boss rush mode of the previous four bosses. The game doesn't feel very cohesive and has bad pacing problems. The fighting feels better than the arcade but lacks the sheer diversity of stuff that the other versions offer. If it's your only turtles game you can play I guess it's okay but in today's world there is no reason to ever be stuck with this one.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2021
