I still enjoy playing this game even 25 years later. I also don't think the REmake makes this game obsolete either. The art direction is still good and the models are really charming still. Prerendered backgrounds and the classic game and controls still feel as good as they did back in the day. Which is really rare for this generation.

I remember jumping so much when I first played this game. The visuals were way more realistic than the 16 bit sprites that I was used too. The music and atmosphere were really creepy and being lost in this gigantic mansion was very unsettling. I remember legitimately jumping out of my seat every time the dog jumps out of the window. Watching it now it looks so telegraphed and slow but it was something else in the day. It's so easy to know what to do and where to go now but when this game first came it out it was really different for a lot of the players of the time. It's easy to laugh at in retrospect but that's not how I see it. I still remember how I saw it at it's release. I remember being really impressed at the voice acting. Yea we all know it's bad but I wasn't used to games having voices at all, let alone the entire game is spoken. At most it was just sound bites. The music is superb at setting the tension and dread. Even if the DC music is a step down there are still some good tracks in there too. They are not all mansion basement farts.

The visuals are certainly dated by 2021 standards yes and even later sequel's have better prerendered back drops but at the time the less is more was definitely impacting me. Some of the simplistic elements in the foregrounds could still leave impressions though.

Game play is very tight and fun. It's fun figuring out what your supposed to do with what items and deciding when to fight or run. Knowing what to do and how to avoid obstacles and putting into practice is really rewarding. It sounds like trial and error and to a degree it is but it's so satisfying when it all clicks and you optimize your playthrough. That in combination with the fun cutscenes and the dramatic over the top 90's B horror plot makes this so much fun to play again and again. Plus RE games always have such high replay value. That and when you get good at the game you get to beat it faster and faster and get better ranks and rewards it becomes such a comfort food style of game. A game you get to know inside and out. Appreciate all of it's flaws and triumphs.

The game has two playable characters both with very different skill sets and stories. Giving another reason to play it again. Then the DC cut adds a arranged mode where you can play it again with all the key items in different places with slight variations, which makes your run completely different in how you approach it.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021
